Translation and Language Industry Observations

3 Ways Data Analytics is Set to Revolutionize Translation

As the rate of digitization increases, data has become a very important currency in the business world. In fact, business and technology advisor Bernard Marr explains that we produce 2.5 quintillion bytes of data on a daily basis — a number which has probably increased further since 2018. We generate this veritable mountain of data with our …

localization, internationalization, globalization

Localization, Internationalization or Globalization? Which one do you need?

Localization vs Internationalization As our world becomes increasingly smaller and interconnected through the rapid advance of technology, translation alone is often no longer enough. That’s where localization, globalization and internationalization services come in. But which do you need – and what is the difference between them? Read on to find out. Localization Definition Localization, often …

Will Machines Replace Professional Translators?

This debate has been going on for years. Will machine translation (MT) become good enough to replace human translators? Will professional translators need to find another line of work? If recent history is any proof, the answer is no. MT will not replace professional human translators in our lifetime. This notion is shared by many …

Top Online Translation Companies

Buying professional translation services online has emerged as a viable solution for today’s customers. In the traditional, full-service model that prevailed in past years, customers would contact a translation agency by phone or by email. Ensuing communications between the client and the agency would also be done offline-sometimes even using postal mail to send in …

How to make BIG bucks as a freelance translator

Let’s start with a few basic facts: the translation industry is huge and generated over US$45 Billion in 2018. The world has several hundred thousand translators who are making a living in this industry.  It is clear that there is a lot of money out there and freelance translators can do very well in today’s …