Translation and Language Industry Observations

Showing: 1 - 13 of 27 Articles

Captioning, Dubbing or Lip Syncing. Which one do you need?

When distributing video content globally, choosing the right localization technique—captioning, dubbing, or lip syncing—is crucial for engaging international audiences. Each method has its unique advantages and can dramatically affect how your content is received. Captioning offers a cost-effective way to provide accessible translations, while dubbing replaces the original audio with voice-overs in another language, enhancing …

From Script to Synopsis: Crafting Concise Overviews for Your TV Series

by David Grunwald We recently received the following inquiry from a client in Los Angeles, CA. I have an urgent project we need done ASAP. It is a 6 episode TV show in Spanish that we need to consolidate into a synopsis. The scripts are in Spanish, we don’t need the translation done, just for someone …

Introducing Your New Translation Proofreader: ChatGPT

by David Grunwald ChatGPT can be used to review and proofread translations by feeding the source and target into the tool. In the past, I have written some blog posts on using Google Translate to review translations using back translation. Here is one of these posts. The concept of back translation is hardly new. A …

Chatbots in Business: A Comprehensive Guide for Navigating the AI Revolution

Revolutionizing Retail: The Emergence and Impact of Commerce Chatbots In today’s fast-evolving global marketplace, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to stay ahead. A key player in this arena is the chatbot, a technology rapidly transforming customer interaction and multilingual communication. This comprehensive guide delves into the journey and significance of chatbots in modern business, …

The Shifting Landscape of Translator Training Programs

by Luke Smith The international language services market was valued at $60.68 billion in 2022 and is predicted to jump all the way to $96.21 billion by 2032. Tech advances and increased interconnectedness across all industries are clearly calling for more professional translators across the board. In response to this demand, translator training programs are …

TAUS Webinar about LLMs-Impressions

by David Grunwald I tuned in yesterday to the online TAUS webinar entitled: ChatGPT and the Takeaways for the Translation Industry. Here are my impressions: About the Webinar In this webinar on the ChatGPT and the Takeaways for the Translation Industry, Arul Menezes (Microsoft), Christian Federmann (Microsoft), Wayne Bourland (Dell), Georg Kirchner (Dell), John Tinsley …

Using AI to get ahead – Part I.

Many people seem to be afraid of AI. The most extreme scenarios detail a world where AI-powered robots will launch a military attack against humans and engage in genocide. Other much less scary scenarios envision massive reduction of jobs, as human employees will be replaced by software. This technology is gaining the attention of governments, …

Will ChatGPT Eliminate Translation Jobs?

by David Grunwald Jobs across numerous fields could be replaced, according to the company ChatGPT. The tech company, which has sparked debate in recent months, said it could “potentially replace jobs that involve written communication,” such as translation services and social media managers. (Yahoo Finance) In a recent interview, IBM CEO Arvind Krishna stated that A.I. …

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