Translation and Language Industry Observations

How to find the best translation agency for your next project

Translation is a big business. According to the localization industry research firm CSA, the global market for outsourced translation services in 2017 was US$43.08 Billion.  That’s a lot of money! Nearly every business in the world needs translation services. Whether you are a restaurant owner who needs to translate your menus, an airline that needs …

What are the benefits of using a professional translation company

If you need to translate a document or text into another language, there are several options available: 1. Use free translation software 2. Hire a professional translator 3. Hire a professional translation company Using free Machine Translation (MT) software Almost everyone has used Google Translate at one point in their life. There are also a …

Great translation service deals

How to get the best deals on translation services

Buying professional translation services isn’t rocket science. But it is more complicated than buying gasoline for your car. Or bread and milk at the supermarket. First of all you are not dealing with a commodity but with a personalized, custom-made service. You can give the same text to five professional translators and get five different …

Everything you need to know about CAT Tools

Translators face many challenges in their daily work. They are forced to deliver projects within short deadlines and are often asked to translate more words per day than reasonably possible. And all of this must be done without compromising quality. It obviously means that stress and pressure are a staple of a freelance translator’s life. …

GTS Coupon Codes

Signup to get great deals on translation services with GTS coupons

Out of all of the online translation companies, GTS Translation is probably the only one to offer online price discounts with our GTS coupon codes. So you can get high quality professional translation services and save money at the same time. Click here for information on how to redeem your GTS coupon code. If you …

investigator initiated trials translation services

Using Translation Services in Investigator Initiated Trials (IIT)

Most people tend to think that clinical trials are conducted by pharmaceutical  or biotechnology companies in their path to releasing a new drug to the market. And indeed most clinical trials are sponsored by drug companies. But there is also a significant number of investigator initiated trials (IIT) that are conducted by public institutions likes …

Hinglish – the Biggest Language you’ve Never Heard of with 350 Million Speakers

What if your company assisted customers in more than 85 languages but suddenly you realise that 350 million people speak a language you had ignored? It could happen to you as well if you are overlooking Hinglish. Because believe it or not, India does not have one ‘universal’ language. It has more than 8 major …

Translation editing tool

Using a synthetic voice as a translation editing tool

I have a colleague called Ryan. He’s been with me since 2014. He’s reliable, consistent and a valued member of the team. I’m from Northern Ireland and he’s from the USA, so we’re both English speakers working in the west of France. What separates us is that I am a physical being and he is …

3 Ways Data Analytics is Set to Revolutionize Translation

As the rate of digitization increases, data has become a very important currency in the business world. In fact, business and technology advisor Bernard Marr explains that we produce 2.5 quintillion bytes of data on a daily basis — a number which has probably increased further since 2018. We generate this veritable mountain of data with our …

localization, internationalization, globalization

Localization, Internationalization or Globalization? Which one do you need?

Localization vs Internationalization As our world becomes increasingly smaller and interconnected through the rapid advance of technology, translation alone is often no longer enough. That’s where localization, globalization and internationalization services come in. But which do you need – and what is the difference between them? Read on to find out. Localization Definition Localization, often …