By Tracy Enright Age is more than a number; it’s also a state of mind. It’s easy to look at older people who seem to have maintained a youthful outlook on life and wonder exactly what their secret is. Diet and exercise are easily identified as good for helping you look and feel younger, but …
Web Designers and Translators: What They Have in Common and Why They Need Each Other
Web designers and web translators are typically not thought of as fulfilling similar roles. After all, English has become something of a business and internet Lingua Franca, meaning web design tends to revolve around English. From programming languages that use English as a semantic base to web crawlers built for English content, web designers make …
Graphic Design in Translation-a Checklist
Do you need a designer? How can working with a designer provide additional value to your clients? Translators and PMs often encounter such situations when the translated text “does not fit” into the original document format. This can be for reasons such as text expansion, hieroglyphs, and when going from LTR to RTL languages. This …
Is AI the new MT? Are Translators Facing Extinction?
by David Grunwald, GTS Translation I just tuned-in to a Q&A session on LinkedIn with Lionbridge CEO John Fennelly, which was hosted by translation industry guru Renato Beninatto of Nimdzi Insights. It was a very interesting, insightful and well-run online event thanks to the efforts of Tucker Johnson. Before I get into it, I owe …
Will French be the Language of the Future?
Summary: This blog post from GTS Translation discusses the potential of French to be a significant language in the future, highlighting its current status as the fifth most spoken language worldwide, its role in business, and its prevalence on the internet. It emphasizes the geographical distribution of Francophones, with a significant portion in Africa, and …
The State of Language Translation in the European Union (EU)
Since Brexit, there are 27 member states in the European Union in which 24 different official languages are spoken. This makes translation a hot topic in the EU. The most common languages are English, German and French, which, including Spanish, often also function as relay languages. ( A relay language is the translation from an …
The Brexit and e-commerce
Europe represents the third largest e-business market globally. As the second largest economy in Europe, the United Kingdom Brexit has created chaos in commercial exchanges and in particular in the e-business sector. With the Brexit, the U.K. has lost all its commercial partners, including France. A negative effect on commercial exchanges was inevitable, but the …
The Quest for Subject-Matter Expert Translation
One of the questions that we often get here at GTS: are the translators that you are using subject-matter experts? And that’s a great question. Because translation is more than just trading words. A good translation must read well to the people in that field. So if you are translating a legal contract, the terminology …
Does the United States Have an Official Language?
What is the Official Language of the USA? Some of you are reading this question and are probably saying duh! The official language of the USA is English! English is also the lingua franca of the Internet and the financial world (Wall Street and The City of London). Anyone who has visited the USA can …
6 Reasons Your Company Should Expand to Southeast Asia
Whether you’re a startup looking to leverage the fastest growing markets or you’re already a multinational company in the midst of expansion, there are several reasons you should open operations in Southeast Asia. Its growing economy is large, youthful and under-exploited. With the right entry strategy, tapping into the Southeast Asia market can help your …
How does the four-eye principle apply to language review?
The Four eyes principle is a requirement that two individuals approve some action before it can be taken. The Four eyes principle is sometimes called the two-man rule or the two-person rule. (from an official European Union website) Every reputable translation agency uses a quality assurance system in its work process. The QA process can include a number …
International Dating: Bridging the Language of Love
Like online porn, dating websites were one of earliest drivers of the Internet. Even before social networks were introduced, people were using the net to find their soulmate. And like mail order brides, many of the dating websites are international. Translation technology has been a major factor in the growing popularity of international dating websites, …
What is link bait and why translation companies should avoid it
As a translation company that does most of its business online, GTS Translation maintains a high level online profile. We have first page positions in hundreds of keywords, both short- and long-tail. We have been allocating considerable budgets for organic SEO for years. Link building and digital content marketing are the cornerstones of our strategy. …