Translation and Language Industry Observations

Showing: 27 - 39 of 48 Articles

How does the four-eye principle apply to language review?

The Four eyes principle is a requirement that two individuals approve some action before it can be taken. The Four eyes principle is sometimes called the two-man rule or the two-person rule. (from an official European Union website) Every reputable translation agency uses a quality assurance system in its work process. The QA process can include a number …

Quality Standards in the Translation Industry

Choosing a Language Service Provider (LSP) can be a daunting task. There are so many of them. According to some estimates, there are over 18,000 translation companies worldwide. Search Google for “translation company” (exact match) and you will get 1.3 Million results. Are all of the translation companies suitable for your project? Does every company …

Localizing for Scandinavia

Scandinavia is a region in Northern Europe which is comprised of five countries: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Finland. The combined population of these countries is about 27 million. Which is far less than the populations of single Western European countries like Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Russia and the UK. Localizing for Scandinavia means translating …

Getting your e-Commerce Website Ready for the German Market

Increasing online sales in the German market. How do you do it? Germany is a country with a population of 80 million people, the largest GDP in the Eurozone, full of multi-nationals, SMEs and tech companies and one of the most attractive markets in the EU. Streamlining your website for the German market can pay …

Should you translate your corporate blog?

If you manage corporate communications for an international company, you understand the benefit of maintaining a corporate blog: increased e-reputation, more traffic to your website, promoting your expertise to new customers are just come of the benefits. But have you ever considered translating your corporate blog to promote your company internationally? What are the real …

Challenges in Multi-Language Translation Projects

At GTS we often get projects that require fast translation of texts into multiple languages. These projects can range from translation of Information for Use (IFU) for medical devices, instructions and labels for pharmaceutical products, press releases and technical bulletins. These projects are particularly challenging. There is time pressure on the one hand, and on …

Translator Queries? Good or Bad?

Having turned in thousands of translation jobs, we are experienced with all kinds of source texts. Sometimes the text is clearly understood and simple to translate. Sometimes we get text-from-hell which is riddled with mistakes and/or ambiguities. How should these occurrences be handled? It should be mentioned that as an online translation company, it is …

Top 7 Countries in the World for Digital Nomads

Digital nomads make the most of the interconnected modern world to make the entire world their office. Digital nomads typically work in fields such as computing or writing, where it’s possible to complete their work online and they have no need to be based in any fixed place. Topping the list of digital nomads are …

The Challenges E-Commerce Companies Face When Exporting to China

The Challenges E-Commerce Companies Face When Exporting to China The digital age is transforming the way consumers around the world buy products. Online shopping through e-commerce platforms has soared in popularity and shows no signs of stopping due to increased access to technology and the internet. This is equally true in China, a business frontier …

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Ordering Translation Services

Ordering translation services can be a costly venture. And it is something that is often performed under pressure due to looming deadlines. So, it is important that you avoid mistakes which can end up being expensive and which can also make you miss your deadline. Here are some common mistakes which are to be avoided. …

How Your Business Can Survive The Post Quarantine Period Using Localization

The effect of the 2020 pandemic has created a significant setback for a lot of businesses. From the onset of the COVID19 crisis, the NFIB showed 92% of small business owners suffering adverse effects. But, small businesses are not the only ones who have suffered some form of setback from the pandemic. A briefing from …

Preparing for recession: How can LSPs weather the coronavirus storm?

Welcome global recession. We weren’t expecting you and you are not welcome in our house. But it looks like we have no choice and you are here to stay for a while. The coronavirus has already put many people out of jobs and we are just at the beginning. Many more people will be out …

Coronavirus drives demand for translation services

The entire world seems to be consumed these days with the hysteria around the coronavirus outbreak. And for good reason. Thousands are already dead and the outbreak seems poised to wreak havoc throughout the entire world. US President Trump has issued a travel ban, basically cutting off travel between Europe and the USA.  According to …

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