Translation and Language Industry Observations

Showing: 40 - 48 of 48 Articles

Clutch Names GTS Translation a Global Leader!

Anyone looking for a translation service provider knows that there are a lot of factors that come into play. It’s not enough just to be proficient in multiple languages. Good translators should have strong writing skills, industry knowledge where applicable, and cultural sensitivity. After all, you don’t want an amateur translator to compromise a critical …

Summarizing Slatorcon Amsterdam 2019

I love Amsterdam. This was probably my fifth time there. Localization conferences I like a bit less and have not gone to one in years. But my love of Amsterdam outweighed any other consideration and I decided to attend the one day Slatorcon Amsterdam 2019 conference on November 28, 2019 which was produced by Slator. …

Multilingual SEO

How Content Translation Will Improve Your SEO

When you want to take your business in an exciting new direction, you’ll inevitably start thinking about expanding into new markets and countries. It’s certainly a great place to be in, but what about all the various bits and pieces you need to get in order before you can really start expanding? There’s the service …

Translation and the Ukrainian Connection

Ukraine has been in the news a lot recently. President Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made a certain White House intelligence officer blow the whistle on Trump. This caused a chain reaction which has lead to an impeachment inquiry. On the other side of the political fence, former VP Joe Biden also …

How to start a translation business

The translation and localization industry is one of the fastest growing business-to-business (B2B) market segments. International companies know that language services play a key role in global expansion and translation budgets are growing. More and more content is being translated more than ever before and into an expanding array of languages. The Slator Language Industry …

GTS Translation Shows Off Translation Skills on Clutch!

With over 6,900 languages in the world, conducting business on a global scale can be tricky. And though we live in a globalizing world, it can still be tricky to communicate with overseas business partners. So how do you do it? Lucky for you, we are a top-notch translation service with the ability to translate …

localization, internationalization, globalization

Localization, Internationalization or Globalization? Which one do you need?

Localization vs Internationalization As our world becomes increasingly smaller and interconnected through the rapid advance of technology, translation alone is often no longer enough. That’s where localization, globalization and internationalization services come in. But which do you need – and what is the difference between them? Read on to find out. Localization Definition Localization, often …

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