Translation and Language Industry Observations

Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 Articles

Introducing GTS Translation’s New Online Video Captioning and Subtitle Translation Service

Get Instant Quotes Online and Order Captions in Multiple Languages! We are thrilled to announce the launch of our latest feature at GTS Translation: an online price quoting and ordering system for video translation services in multiple languages. This innovative feature is designed to streamline the process of adding translated captions to your video content, …

Challenges in translation of video subtitles into Asian languages

As globalization continues to increase, the need for translation services is becoming more prevalent than ever before. One of the most important aspects of this is the translation of video subtitles into Asian languages. Whether it be for corporate videos, marketing material, or educational resources, accurate and high-quality translations are essential to ensure that the …

New Feature: Online Quotes for Translation of SRT Files

GTS has rolled out a new feature on our website: you can now get instant price quotes for SRT files in over 80 languages. The process of getting a price quote for translation of SRT files is fast and easy: click here, upload the SRT files and select the languages. The quote and delivery time …

How to automatically transcribe Zoom meetings

Zoom has a function called live transcription that automatically transcribes the audio during the meeting and displays the transcript as subtitles. Using this feature will make it easier for meeting participants to follow the presentation and will make the virtual meeting experience more effective. In this article, we will explain in detail how to automatically …

Using Multilingual Video Marketing to Get More Customers

by Andre Oentoro Video marketing is becoming ever more popular among business owners as one of the most effective strategies to increase online conversions. Considering how people enjoy watching videos and accessing them on their mobile phones, incorporating video campaigns is beneficial for many marketers. According to a study, 55% of people watch branded videos …

Make Your Videos Multilingual: Adding Dubbing and Subtitles to Broaden Your Reach

by Ivan Andrianko Creating videos in multiple languages is one of the most underestimated opportunities when producing video content. It helps broaden your video’s reach, and allows your entire audience access to the asset – usually for only a small additional marginal cost. It’s one of the best ways to maximize the impact of your …

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