Did you ever phone in to your bank or credit card company? Did you ever call the product support department at a huge tech company like Google or Microsoft? If you did, there is a good chance that your call was answered by a call center employee in a non-English speaking country like India or …
5 Easy Power Poses to Make Yourself More Confident During Remote Meetings
Remote meetings are becoming more and more common fixtures in the business world as wireless technologies improve rapidly. And most recently, with the COVID-19 pandemic, remote meetings have become the main (and sometimes only) way in which business meetings are conducted. Unfortunately, a lot of people, even those who are perfectly confident and composed in …
Using a synthetic voice as a translation editing tool
I have a colleague called Ryan. He’s been with me since 2014. He’s reliable, consistent and a valued member of the team. I’m from Northern Ireland and he’s from the USA, so we’re both English speakers working in the west of France. What separates us is that I am a physical being and he is …