The coronavirus could not have come at a worst time. During the Chinese New Year, many people take to the roads and railroads, sometimes traveling up to three days to be with family. The outbreak of the coronavirus forced many people to stay at home for the holidays.
But for most translators, business is usual since many translators work at home anyway. Work has so far not been impacted, and many of the Chinese translators that work with GTS are optimistic that the Chinese government will be able to contain and solve this outbreak.
This pandemic caused by new coronavirus has spread across China and there is an increasing number of people being infected by this virus. At present, the war of defeating coronavirus is at the hard stage. In response to a call from Zhong Nanshan, the leader of this war, almost all people in China are currently being isolated at their own homes to minimize the chances of coronavirus spreading.
I have bought a lot of food including rice, cooking oil, noodles and flour in order to avoid going outdoors and minimize the risks of being exposed to coronavirus. People must wear masks if they have to go outside for shopping or other purposes. Additionally, the people in China, especially, the medical workers who are striving to save the life of the infected, are in urgent need of medical masks, goggles, protective coats and other protective equipment. My wish is that this pandemic will come to an end soon.
Currently, food supply is normal. Supermarkets are open as usual. The streets are very quiet because most people are staying home. I can hear the publicity agent outside reminding all people nearby of staying at home and putting on masks if they have to go outside. The Internet works well and I can work properly.
The outbreak indeed impacts entire China,including the suspension of public transportation and daily routine of Chinese people. The WHO has declared it a PHEIC. Both the government and civil society have been committed to pooling resources for prevention and control. China has confidence to win the battle. We hope we could end the battle as soon as possible so that the virus will not impact us in the long run.

I am not impacted by this coronavirus as i am working at home, and I am in Guangdong Zhongshan, which has not been impacted in a serious way, just a few cases of the virus. My output is normal and I can take jobs as usual.

As far as I know,the coronavirus has little negative impact on the daily work of freelance translators. Most of us bear the same opinion that staying at home is the safest thing to do, since we are not encouraged to go out. Some of us are prepared to take on even more translation projects in order to pass the time spent at home in a more meaningful manner.
Thank you for informing us!
The world is having a hard time with this pandemic.
However, there is hope, a guide that will be useful:
Good health to all!
Thanks Lilian for the useful coronavirus survival guide. Let’s all pray that the pandemic ends soon!