Translation and Language Industry Observations

Die Sommerferien stehen vor der Tür! – Holidays are just around the corner! If you are traveling to Germany, it may be worth familiarizing yourself with the vocabulary related to accommodation (die Übernachtung) in order not only to improve the booking procedure (die Reservierung or die Buchung), but also to choose the type of accommodation that is right for you (die Unterkunft).

Accommodation types in German

After choosing the destination (das Reiseziel) and entering the date of arrival (das Anreisedatum) and departure (das Abreisedatum), you can decide on one of the accommodation options starting with the more affordable ones:

  • das Hostel –hostel
  • das Motel –motel
  • die Jugendherberge / das Jugendgästehaus –Youth Hostel
  • das Heuhotel / die Heuherberge / das Heutel –hay hotel (in barns or attics, in your own sleeping bag [ der Schlafsack ] or on mattresses filled with hay (die Heumateratze)
  • die Studentenwohnanlage / das Studentenheim / das Studentendorf– student residence, dormitory
  • das Stundenhotel– a hotel where you can rent rooms for several hours, usually for a purpose other than sleeping;)
  • die Pension– pension

[The term Pension may also include an overnight stay with half board (halbe Pension or die Halbpension) or full board (volle Pension or die Vollpension)].

on the more expensive ones, often marked with the appropriate number of stars, ending with:

  • 3-Sterne-Hotel –a three-star hotel
  • das Hotel –hotel
  • das Garni-Hotel– a hotel with modest kitchen facilities, serving only breakfast, drinks, and possibly small snacks
  • das Apartment-Hotelalso called das Aparthotel – apartment

British bed and breakfast hotels are an interesting alternative to accommodation , which are also appearing more and more often in Germany. Their German counterpart are guest rooms (die Fremdenzimmer), which include:

  • die Privatzimmer / die Privatunterkunft– private rooms
  • die Monteurzimmer– rooms for workers / assemblers (usually rented for a period not shorter than 1 week)
  • die Privatquartier– private accommodation
  • die Berghütte– mountain chalet
  • das Gasthaus / der Gasthof– inn, inn (accommodation with guaranteed meals)
  • das Wanderhotel– a hotel for travelers
  • das Radfahrhotel– hotel for cyclists
  • Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof– accommodation as part of agritourism (der Agrotourismus also known as der Landtourismus)

Types of rooms in German

Depending on the number of people, we usually have a single room, the so-called one – das Einzelzimmer . For two people, you can choose the option with single beds – das Zweibettzimmer (2 Einzelbetten) or with a double bed – das Doppelzimmer (1 Doppelbett). In cheaper accommodation alternatives and a bunk bed – das Doppelstockbett . For a larger number of people, there are rooms with several beds – das Mehrbettzimmer, sometimes directly specifying the number of beds, e.g.  das Dreibettzimmer , das Vierbettzimmer, etc.

Usually, hotels offer an extra bed for a small surcharge, the so-called an extra bed – das Zustellbett or a cot for children up to two years – das Kinderbett .

On special request, we can choose a non-smoking room – das Nichtraucherzimmer , in the attic – das Dachzimmer or with air conditioning mit Klimaanlage .

Booking a room in German

When booking a hotel room you will be given the price of the room (der Zimmerpreis) and other information- inclusive (or not – exklusive), breakfast (das Frühstück) or diet (die Verpflegung).

In addition, you will receive a reservation number – die Reservierungsnummer or die Buchungsnummer along with a PIN code – das PIN-Code . After each booking, we will receive a confirmation – die Reservierungsbestätigung or die Buchungsbestätigung . A 100% reservation guarantee will be provided by providing your credit card details – die Kreditkarte.

The booking conditions – die Reservierungsbestimmungen include additional services – die Extraleistungen,  such as free WIFI – das kostenlose WLAN, parking – der kostenlose Parkplatz or the possibility of arriving with your pet. Hotels that offer this option are marked as tierfreundlich.

We may also be asked about the nature of our trip:

  • die Urlaubsreise –vacation trip
  • die Geschäftsreise –business trip

Reservations can be made directly at the hotel, by phone, e-mail, via the hotel’s website or travel sites line or

Cancellation in German

Each client should also be informed about the conditions of cancellation (cancellation) – die Stornierungsbedingungen . However, there will be cancellation costs – die Stornierungsgebühren . When we make a reservation well in advance, we will be able to cancel it free of charge within the period specified by the hotel. In the event of a no  show – die Nichtanreise, the hotel will require full payment or 80% of the total value, and if we have confirmed the reservation by credit card, the hotel will use the funds available on the reservation to make up the arrears.

Time of arrival

Often in smaller hotels there is no night porter – der Nachtportier , therefore our arrival after 10 p.m. is problematic for the owners and sometimes even impossible. However, it also happens that we will receive a description of where the key to the hotel and room is stored.


In addition to the above-mentioned credit card, we can pay by bank transfer – die Überweisung , which, however, hotels rarely and reluctantly agree, or in cash. Occasionally, prepayment is required – die Vorauszahlung or die Anzahlung advance . When traveling with children, ask for a discount – die Ermäßigung für Kinder .

Using the given phrases, each booking will go smoothly! Good luck!

Im Hotel – German words with translation

die Übernachtung – bed
die Reservierung or die Buchung – booking
die Unterkunft – Accommodation
das Anreisedatum – the date of arrival
das Reiseziel – Destination
das Abreisedatum- departure
das Hostel – Hostel
das Motel – motel
die Jugendherberge / Jugendgästehaus das – youth hostel
das Heuhotel / day Heuherberge / das Heutel – hotel on hay
der Schlafsack – sleeping bag
die Heumatratze – mattress filled with hay
die Studentenwohnanlage / das Studentenheim / das Studentendorf – student residence, dormitory
das Stundenhotel – a hotel where rooms can be rented for several hours
die Pension – boarding house
halbe Pension or die Halbpension – half board
volle Pension or die Vollpension – full board
3-Sterne-Hotel – three-star hotel
das Hotel – hotel
das Garni-Hotel – hotel with modest kitchen facilities
das Apartament-Hotel or  das Aparthotel – apartment
die Fremdenzimmer – guest rooms
die Privatzimmer / die Privatunterkunft – private rooms
die Monteurzimmer- Non-workers / fitters
die Privatquartier – private
die Berghütte – mountain lodge
das Gasthaus / der Gasthof – guesthouse, inn
das Wanderhotel – Hotel for hikers
das Radfahrhotel – Hotel for cyclists
Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof – accommodation within the rural tourism
der Agrotourismus or der Landtourismus – agritourism
das Einzelzimmer – single room
das Zweibettzimmer – double room
das Einzelbett – single bed
das Doppelzimmer – double room
das Doppelbett- double bed
das Doppelstockbett – bunk bed
das Mehrbettzimmer – a room with several beds
das Dreibettzimmer – Triple
das Vierbettzimmer – quadruple room
das Zustellbett – additional bed
das Kinderbett – cot
das Nichtraucherzimmer – smoking room
das Dachzimmer – attic room
das Zimmer mit Klimaanlage – room with air conditioning
der Zimmerpreis – room price
inclusive – including, in this
exklusive- excluding
die Verpflegung – board
die Reservierungsnummer / die Buchungsnummer – reservation number
das PIN code – PIN
die Reservierungsbestätigung / die Buchungsbestätigung – confirmation
die Kreditkarte – credit card
die Reservierungsbestimmungen – booking conditions
die Extraleistungen  – additional services
das kostenlose WLAN –  free WIFI
der kostenlose Parkplatz – Free Parking
das tierfreundliche Hotel – Pet-friendly hotel
die Urlaubsreise – Vacation travel
die Geschäftsreise – Business trip
die Stornierungsbedingungen- cancellation (cancellation) conditions
die Stornierungsgebühren – cancellation costs
die Nichtanreise – non – arrival
der Nachtportier – night porter
die Vorauszahlung – prepayment
die Anzahlung – advance payment
die Ermäßigung für Kinder – discount for children

Medical Documents

Unfortunately, sometimes people get sick or injured while traveling abroad. That’s why it’s so important to get travel insurance-just in case. If you need German English translation service of hospital records, medical reports or police reports, contact GTS for help.

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